Unlocking your creative visionary plan!

Are you struggling to organize your thoughts and focus on getting your idea to the next stage? You’re not alone; most (like 99%) of visionaries struggle to organize the intricate steps because big thinking is what you're best at.

Our Visionary Ideation Session helps you generate, refine, and execute ideas that align with your business goals and aspirations.

Sitting on your incredible ideas is a thing of the past! It’s time for you to get a plan.

Feeling stuck is the absolute worst feeling ever. You know you have the potential and a deep desire, but something is missing.

In our 90-minute ideation session, we’re focused on getting you ‘unstuck’ and getting the ideas flowing and organized.

During your ideation session, you will:


Gain clarity on your ideas and their potential impact.




Learn structured processes and proven techniques to brainstorm and prioritize your ideas.

Understand the systems you will need in place to execute that idea.

Get action-ready by developing a concrete plan to bring your ideas to fruition.

I can’t thank Crystal enough for her wisdom and knowledge. She helped me strategize for one offer, but it positioned me for something completely different. I left our session encouraged and was able to report back to her a week or so later about what had taken place. Crystal is someone you need right now. Thank you, Crystal!



So, how do you get started?

Getting started with our Planning and Operations Agency is straightforward! We're all about creating impactful, efficient changes and having fun while doing it. Follow these three steps to kick off your ideation journey.

  • Let's chat and see how we can make magic happen together!

    Schedule a free strategy call with our lead strategist to explore your needs and see if we’re the perfect fit.

    Click here to schedule your call!

  • You’re just a few steps away from unlocking your business potential!

    • During our call, we'll assess your needs and confirm that our service is the right match.

    • If it’s a go, we’ll send over the fun (yes, fun!) legal stuff for you to review and sign.

  • Time to gear up and get started on this exciting journey!

    • Once the paperwork is done, you’ll get access to all the pre-work materials to kick things off smoothly.

  • Here’s where the real magic happens!

    • We dive into the planning process, proactively thinking about all your future business plans.

    • Together, we'll map out your goals, strategies, and actions to ensure your business is set up to thrive.

Are you ready to turn your vision into the reality you know it can be?

Unlocking the initial steps to your vision is only a one-time investment of $497.

"Crystal is such a great listener and gave me some GREAT advice. I now have goals set and a clearer path to making my vision a reality ."