Operations Workflow Audit

Determine how efficient your business or organization currently operates in moving toward your overall vision.

Operate in Excellence

At Crystal P. Sherrill & Co., we understand the business's heartbeat lies in its day-to-day operations. The Operations Workflow Audit provides clear insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of the business’s current processes, procedures, policies, personnel, products, and positioning.

We’ve curated the Operations Workflow Audit specifically for solopreneurs who are ready to organize the business’s backend with a clear and effective strategy.

The audit will give you in-depth insight into organizing and optimizing your work efficiency so you can continue to love your work.

Comprehensive 6-Point Operations™ Audit- $497

The Operations Workflow Audit begins with a self-assessment of the current operations processes, procedures, policies, people, products, and positioning.

My role is to audit where you are currently in comparison to where you want to be and provide you with actionable steps to:

  • Remove inaccuracies in your workflow.

  • Organize your internal processes and procedures documentation.

  • Add automation and delegation to your processes.

  • Restructure your team's organizational chart for improvement of role assignments.

  • Review your products and offers to ensure they align with your business growth.

  • Align your online positioning and messaging across your visual platforms (website, social media, etc.).

This service is for you if: 

  • You operate alone or with a small team and want to establish the business systems before you hire more people.

  • You thoroughly enjoy your work, but you know there is room for improvement in the daily flow.

  • You’re ready to expand your current products and want to ensure the foundation is ready before you do.

  • You’re a visionary at heart and have big plans for running your operations efficiently.

Your 6-Point Operations Check

I prioritize simplicity and clarity, ensuring that our assessments are easy to understand, actionable, and tailored to your unique needs. Here are the six operational areas I’ll evaluate.

Client Reflections

"Crystal is such a great listener and gave me some GREAT advice. I now have goals set and have a clearer path on the road to make my vision become a reality ."



What’s Next?

  1. Select the link below, secure your operational workflow audit, and schedule your intro call.

  2. During the intro call, you can provide an overview of your dream workflow. Then, we will begin working on redefining your six core systems.

  3. You’ll then receive your 6-point assessment, which you must submit within 48 hours. NOTE: A delay in submitting your assessment will push back your review session.

  4. During the 90-minute session, we’ll review your audit and discuss the actionable steps you’ll need to take to improve the areas of your operations.

  5. You will receive a PDF copy of your audit and a recording of the session for your records.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The audit covers a self-assessment of your processes, procedures, policies, people, products, and online presence. I'll analyze your current state, identify inaccuracies, and provide actionable steps for improvement.

  • The audit aims to enhance your workflow by removing inaccuracies, organizing processes, adding automation, refining products, and aligning your online positioning. It's tailored to improve daily operations and set a strong foundation for future growth.

  • Absolutely. I'll evaluate your team's organizational chart, offering insights for improvement in role assignments to boost efficiency and collaboration.

  • The audit includes a review of your products and offers from lead generation to retention services. I'll provide recommendations to refine and align them with your business goals, ensuring they contribute to your growth strategy.

  • Yes! If you're a visionary looking to run operations efficiently, expand products, and prepare a solid foundation for growth, this audit is tailored to meet your needs. It's designed for those who see the potential for improvement in their daily workflow.

  • I offer a different service if you need support auditing and refining your workflow. I provide a done-with-you workflow and automation refinement session. It includes the complete workflow audit, as listed above, and three workflow refinement sessions. During these sessions, we’ll build one complete service workflow in your selected CRM or project management software from templates, automation, questionnaires, etc. This service is $1,997. To inquire about this service, use the link below to schedule a free strategy call.